WHOIS .wien Domain Names

.wien Domain WHOIS



min. term

1 year





  • .wien Domain Names are available for registration

    Imperacom Registry is pleased to offer domain registration services for .wien domain names to the general public. Register your .wien today with Imperacom's trusted domain name registrar.

    According to the gTLD announcements published by ICANN, this domain name application refers to a Community TLD. Community domain names represent designated communities and special interests groups that have applied for this TLD.We are pleased to accept pre-registration orders for .WIEN domain names. By choosing to pre-register now, we will notify you about any upcoming developments relating to the proposed use of this TLD domain name.

  • Requirements
    Additional information is required for domain registration and domain transfer.
    gTLD Operator: punkt.wien GmbH
    Sunrise Period Dates: 02/11/2014 - 04/30/2014
    Sunrise Period Requirements: Must have trademark that matches your desired gTLD lodged inside the Trademark-Clearinghouse (TMCH).
    Landrush Period Dates: 06/02/2014 - 07/02/2014
    Landrush Requirements: N/A
    General Availability Date: 07/15/2014
    General Availability Requirements: N/A
If you have any questions regarding the registration process for .wien domains, don't hesitate to contact us.

.wiendomain information

Minimum registration: 1 year
Maximum registration: 10 years
Renewal term: instant
Registration time: 0 days


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