
the most important rights protection mechanism built for protecting brands against new domains


How it works

By validating your brand name within the ICANN administered Trademark Clearinghouse, you will have the first option to purchase non-disputed domain names across every new Top Level Domain being released. One application provides access to the sunrise period for all of the thousands of new TLD's, prior to public availability.
  • Validate Trademark

    Imperacom is an official agent of the clearinghouse - We help submit your trademark to be validated, both prior to and during the launch of new gTLDs.

  • Access Sunrise

    Once validated you are granted access to participate in every Sunrise period of the new TLDs. This period gives first priority in registration to trademarks.

  • Receive Notifications

    Registrants are warned when attempting to register your validated trademark name. The Clearinghouse will notify you if infringing registrations are ever completed.

Protect your trademark today BEGIN VALIDATION

What happens if I don’t register my trademark?

Without access to sunrise periods, you will have to try your luck competing against everyone else for your brand name when each of the thousands of domain extensions reach general availability.

Sunrise Periods

The Sunrise Period is a compulsory period of at least 30 days during which only trademark owners can purchase URL’s with each new TLD, prior to them being available to the general public.
What marks are accepted?
  • Registered Trademarks
  • Court validated marks
  • Marks protected by statue or treaty

What are the benefits of using Imperacom
as my agent?

The process of submitting your trademark to the Clearinghouse is complex and can be confusing - especially when submitting multiple marks or in multiple jurisdictions. It is very important to complete the application properly to avoid additional costs and delays. Imperacom is an official agent of the Clearinghouse capable of streamlining the process for you.
  • Simplicity and Assurance
  • Ease of Use
  • Automatic Renewal

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