.EU.COM Domain Name Registration - Domain Names | Imperacom

.eu.com Domain Names

.eu.com Domain Registration

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min. term

1 year





.eu.com domain names
  • .eu.com Domain Names are available for registration

    Imperacom Registry is pleased to offer domain registration services for .eu.com domain names to the general public. Register your .eu.com today with Imperacom's trusted domain name registrar.

  • Requirements
    Additional information is required for domain registration and domain transfer.
  • Domain Privacy

    This domain supports Domain Privacy. Domain Privacy replaces your publicly visible registration details with non-identifiable data from our nominated privacy escrow provider. Your email is replaced with a uniquely-generated email address that securely & automatically forwards emails to you.

.eu.com - European Domain Registration

Instra Corporation is one of the earliest registrars for the .EU namespace and have experience in dealing with applications in this namespace.

The European Union (EU) was established after the Second World War as a economic and political force that includes 450 million people and 25 member nations such as Britian, Germany, France etc.

With these economic powerhouses acting as the regional hub for heavy industry and automobile manufacturing, aerospace engineering and fashion, the EU is an attractive investment destination.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process for .eu.com domains, don't hesitate to contact us.

.eu.comdomain information

Minimum registration: 1 year
Maximum registration: 10 years
Renewal term: instant
Registration time: 1 days

European Unionat a glance

Calling code: +0
CCTLD .eu.com
Registration date:
Sponsoring organisation

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