TR Domain Name Registration - Turkish Domain Names | Imperacom

Turkish Domain Names Domain Registration

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min. term

1 year




$0.00 domain names
  • Domain Names are available for registration

    Imperacom Registry is pleased to offer domain registration services for domain names to the general public. Register your today with Imperacom's trusted domain name registrar.

  • Requirements
    Additional information is required for domain registration and domain transfer.
    To register a .COM.TR domain the customer will need to prove that they'll be using the domain for business purposes inside Turkey. These are the things we'll need:
    - Turkish domain registration document signed and sent back.
    - Copy of business registration certificate or trademark registration certificate that is a close of exact match to the domain. The country of origin for the certificate doesn't need to be Turkey.
    - Proof that you have existing Business inside Turkey. Something like a copy of a trade agreement with a Turkish company or an invoice from a Turkish client is acceptable.
    The Turkish domain registration document will be provided after we submit the order onto the registry as it's generated at their end.
If you have any questions regarding the registration process for domains, don't hesitate to contact us.

.com.trdomain information

Minimum registration: 1 year
Maximum registration: 5 years
Renewal term: instant
Registration time: 2 days

Turkeyat a glance

Capital: Ankara
Population: 80694485
Area: 302,533 Square Miles 783,562 Square Kilometers
Language: Turkish (official), Kurdish, Arabic, Armenian, Greek
Calling code: +90
Registration date:
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