DE Domain Name Registration - German Domain Names | Imperacom

German Domain Names Domain Registration

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min. term

1 year




$0.00 domain names
  • Domain Names are available for registration

    Imperacom Registry is pleased to offer domain registration services for domain names to the general public. Register your today with Imperacom's trusted domain name registrar.

  • Requirements
    Additional information is required for domain registration and domain transfer.
  • Domain Privacy

    This domain supports Domain Privacy. Domain Privacy replaces your publicly visible registration details with non-identifiable data from our nominated privacy escrow provider. Your email is replaced with a uniquely-generated email address that securely & automatically forwards emails to you. - German Domain Registration

Berlin, Germany is often viewed as the gateway to Europe due to its central location. It has three airports and an extensive transportation system providing quick and easy access to the rest of Europe.

With over 50% of all Germans speaking good English, there are many investment and business opportunities that an entrepreneur can make the most of with Germany as its headquarters.

Instra is a international domain name registrar that is accredited by the .DE registry directly and have many years of experience processing applications in the .DE namespace.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process for domains, don't hesitate to contact us.

.de.comdomain information

Minimum registration: 1 year
Maximum registration: 10 years
Renewal term: instant
Registration time: 1 days
Min-length: 1
Max-length: 64
Numbers: allowed
Hyphen: allowed
IDN: Supported

Germanyat a glance

Capital: Berlin
Population: 81147265
Area: 137,846 Square Miles 357,022 Square Kilometers
Language: German
Calling code: +49
Registration date:
Sponsoring organisation

Name servers


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.berlin .de .ruhr
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