FR Domain Name Registration - French Domain Names | Imperacom

French Domain Names Domain Registration

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min. term

1 year




$13.55 domain names
  • Domain Names are available for registration

    Imperacom Registry is pleased to offer domain registration services for domain names to the general public. Register your today with Imperacom's trusted domain name registrar.

  • Requirements
    Additional information is required for domain registration and domain transfer.
    A .COM.FR domain can only be registered if the corresponding .FR domain hasn't already been registered. If it is then the French domain registry locks of the registration of the desired .COM.FR domain.
    Example - You can only register if hasn't already been registered.
    To register a .COM.FR domain the applicant needs to have some type of presence inside France. Presence examples plus the required information can be found below:
    French Individual: French address and contact details needed.
    French Company: Company name, SIREN/SIRET number, French address and contact details needed.
    French Trademark Holder: Company name, Trademark number, French address and contact details needed.
    European Union Trademark Holder: Company name, Trademark number, French address and contact details needed.
    WIPO Trademark Holder: Company name, Trademark number, French address and contact details needed.
    If the applicant doesn't have a French presence than our agency service is available. If this option is selected then the domain will be registered on behalf of the applicant.
  • Local Presence

    Local presence service is available for foreign registrants to meet the registration requirements of this domain name.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process for domains, don't hesitate to contact us.

.com.frdomain information

Minimum registration: 1 year
Maximum registration: 10 years
Renewal term: instant
Registration time: 1 days

Franceat a glance

Capital: Paris
Population: 65951611
Area: 248,572 Square Miles 643,801 Square Kilometers
Language: French (official) 100%, rapidly declining regional dialects and languages (Provencal, Breton, Alsatian, Corsican, Catalan, Basque, Flemish)
Calling code: +33
Registration date:
Sponsoring organisation

Name servers


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